What is Hatsumode ?
Hatsumode (初詣) is the first shrine visit of the New Year.The first character 初 means “first,” and the second character 詣 means “attend” or “visit a shrine.”
Most of Japanese are off work from December 29 untill January 3rd, but people often visit shrines right after midnight when the New Year’s Eve turns the New Year’s Day. Visiting shrine at midnight is also a good excuse for young people who live with their parents to go out by themselves so late in the evening.
In contrast to New Year’s Eve, the atmosphere of hatsumode is light and festive. For the visitor, hatsumode is a chance to see many Japanese, especially women and children, fully decked out in colorful kimono.
New Year’s Tradition: Visiting Shinto Shrines in Japan
Many visit on the first, second, or third day of the year. Visitors offer some change (or bills!) and ring the bell at the main shrine building, then pray and wish for a peaceful and prosperous new year. There are often long lines at major shrines throughout Japan. Until the 19th century, it was normal to visit the local Shinto Shrine which protected the family, called Ujigami (氏神), but nowadays it is normal to visit a famous, powerful Shinto Shrine. Most people visit the Meiji Jingu Shrine (have millions of visitors over the three days) during this time with the next largest showing at the kawasaki Haishi Temple in Kanagawa Prefecture.
People make wishes for the new year, buy new charms, and return the old ones to the shrine to be burned. There are different kinds, which bring luck in studying, health, love, etc.
A common custom during hatsumode is to buy a written omikuji (means oracle). If your omikuji predicts bad luck you can tie it onto a tree on the shrine grounds, in the hope that its prediction will not come true. The omikuji goes into detail, and tells you how you will do in various areas in your life, such and business and love, for that year. A good-luck charm often comes with the omikuji to bring good luck and money.
Correct Praying ritual at a shrine
If you want to visit a shrine in Japan, the correct praying ritual is as follows: