Japanese UNESCO World Heritage

Japan has many UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which are very popular in Japan. There is even a weekly travel show dedicated to showcasing these sites from around the world. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) aims to identify and help protect cultural or natural sites of “outstanding universal value”. These “Sekai Isan” or World Heritage Sites are so popular that Japanese tour companies do a lot of business developing tours to these sites, both within Japan and around the world.

Despite a lack of knowledge about World Heritage Sites among the general public, Japan actually has a relatively large number of World Heritage Sites compared to other countries. Many of these Japanese sites are also incredibly well preserved. If you’re planning a trip to Japan, you should definitely consider including some of the country’s 16 World Heritage Sites in your itinerary. I’ve listed them here for your convenience, as I know you don’t want to go looking for them yourself.


Cultural UNESCO sites (文化遺産)

June 2011: Hiraizumi – Buddha Land (Jodo) and archaeological ruins represent the architectural garden (平泉-仏国土(浄土)を表す建築・庭園及び考古学的遺跡群 )


June 2007: Iwami silver mine ruins and its Cultural Landscape – (石見銀山遺跡とその文化的景観)

Check Website here.


July 2004: Sacred Kii Mountain Range and Pilgrimage – (紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道 )

Click here for more information.


December 2000: Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu – (琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群)

Find more information here.

663highland – 投稿者自身による著作物, CC 表示 2.5,による

December 1999: Shrines and Temples of Nikko – (日光の社寺)
If you want to visit this place, click here.


December 1998: Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara – (古都奈良の文化財)

Website here.


December 1996: Itsukushima Shrine – (厳島神社)
Check out here!


December 1996: A-Bomb Dome – (原爆ドーム)

Click here for more information.

Oilstreet – 投稿者自身による著作物, CC 表示 2.5,による

December 1995: Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama – (白川郷・五箇山の合掌造り集落)

Plan yourself a trip to Shirakawa-go and Gokayama here.

December 1994: Monuments of Ancient Kyoto – (古都京都の文化財)

Take a look here!

December 1993: Himeji Castle – (姫路城)

December 1993: Horyuji Buddhist Monuments in the region – (法隆寺地域の仏教建造物)

663highland – 投稿者自身による著作物, CC 表示 2.5,による

Natural heritage (自然遺産)

June 2011: Ogasawara (小笠原諸島)


July 2005: Shiretoko (知床)

December 1993: Shirakami Mountains (白神山地 )

December 1993 : Yakushima (屋久島)

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