Culture of Japan– tag –
Oosouji: Japan’s Version of Spring Cleaning
The Tradition of Oosouji Oosouji, which literally means "big cleaning" in Japanese, is a New Year's tradition similar to a Western-style spring cleaning. People typically perform Oosouji around December 28th in preparation for the New Ye... -
Experiencing the Essence of the Japanese Tea Ceremony
The Japanese tea ceremony is perhaps one of the most beautiful and symbolic aspects of Japanese culture. It is defined by elegance and characterized by refined movements, which are integral to its symbolism. The Kanji for “tea ceremony” ... -
Japan’s New “Thinking” Robot
Japanese engineers have created a robot to help the elderly. The RIBA-II can lift up to 80 kilograms (176 pounds) from a bed to a wheelchair. It can also put patients back on a bed. The robot looks like a teddy bear and is soft so it won... -
Miso Soup: A Taste of Japan
What is Miso soup? Miso soup, a traditional Japanese soup, offers a delicious and satisfying start to any meal. Contrary to popular belief in the West, it's not always vegetarian! The base of this soup is "dashi," a stock typically made ... -
Japan’s Summer Festivals: Where Tradition Meets Celebration
A Summer of Festivals in Japan Japan is known for its polite and reserved culture, but the country also knows how to celebrate. Summer in Japan is a season-long party with countless festivals, both local and regional. These summer festiv... -
Japan’s Cell Phones Revolution
Japan's Cellular Evolution: A Brief History Cell phones in Japan have always been a step ahead. This is a testament to the country's innovative spirit and electronic prowess. From the humble beginnings of car phones in the late 1970s to ... -
Ochugen: the Japanese Cultural Gift-Giving Tradition
What is "Ochugen"? Gift giving is very popular in Japan and it's a big part of the culture. One particular gift-giving event is called "ochugen". Ochugen comes from the Taoist tradition of "chugen". This was an event around 15 July when ... -
Understanding Japanese Etiquette: A Guide for Visitors
Japan is a country that is famous for its manners and etiquette. Using bad manners can lead a number of social faux pas. Here are some tips on some basic Japanese cultural manners, etiquette and social customs to watch out for in the lan...