Japan’s Top Travel Destinations: Where Are They Heading in 2011?

The Japanese are most interested in visiting Western countries. The table below shows the top ten countries, travel destinations visited by Japanese. This is not the most recent data, but it is from 2009. However, this data has probably not changed much since 2009. The top ten destinations for Japanese people are:

  1. Taiwan
  2. USA
  3. Germany
  4. UK
  5. Australia
  6. Italy
  7. Canada
  8. Spain
  9. South Korea
  10. Turk
  11. France
  12. Thailand
  13. Switzerland
  14. Sweden
  15. India
  16. Other
Top 15 Japanese's interested travel destinations
15th Japanese interested (Click for larger image)

No. 1 is Taiwan. Now, why Taiwan? Japan and Taiwan have had a good relationship for a long time, and Taiwan is not that far from Japan. It is only 3 hours from Tokyo (2 hours 30 minutes from Osaka). Because Taiwan is not far away, many people go there to travel on weekends and long holidays. Many also use tour companies to plan a holiday tour of Taiwan.


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